BAND-AID® Brand Hypoallergenic Adhesive Bandages for Sensitive Skin
BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages for Sensitive Skin are hypoallergenic and help protect minor cuts, scrapes, and burns without irritating skin. Specially designed to be gentle on sensitive and eczema-prone skin, these hypoallergenic bandages provide wound care and strong protection without pain or discomfort. The durable bandages are long-lasting and stay on for up to 24 hours-even through handwashing and when wet. They also feature Sensi-Layer technology to ensure the bandage peels off without damaging your skin, allowing for painless removal. For best results, clean cuts or scrapes thoroughly with an antiseptic wash and allow to dry, treat the wound with topical antibiotic ointment to prevent infection, then apply sterile bandage to clean, dry skin. Replace daily or as needed.
Available in:
Assorted Sizes 20 Count
Extra Large 7 Count
Why Cover a Wound?
Learn why it’s important to cover cuts, scrapes, and burns, and how to do it right.

Clean. Treat. Protect.
Three simple steps that are clinically tested for better healing.* Check out our resources to learn more.
*Based on wound appearance score versus bandage alone